Thursday, September 4, 2014

New Shield, more Dragon World Weapon and Jackknife sword?!

Flying/Winged Dragon Shield
[Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
[Counter] The damage is reduced to 0, and you gain 1 life!

Dragon blade, Dragowing
[Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
When you gained life, for that turn, this card gets critical+1. This ability may only be used once per turn. 

Decisive Arena, TRUE Demon Slay
[Set] Can't call monster t center???

Super Dragonblade, Dragoeternal
You may only equip this card when you have 5 life or less.
[Equip Cost] [Pay 2 gauge, and discard all cards from your hand]
When you equip this card, you gain 2 life.


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